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Web Development

Your website is your window on the world.  It’s where customers and prospects can see into the many facets of your company.  20 years ago, your brochure would explain the dynamics of your goods or services, but a static brochure can’t compete with a website that can be constantly updated and linked to other content on the web at the click of the mouse.  A brochure can’t  be a  powerful analytic algorithm that captures page visits and other very important metrics.  Web development is more than just website design.  It’s about user friendliness and mobile friendliness.  It’s about content and keywords.  It’s also about entertaining your visitors and educating them about your business.  The digital expenditure  is fast becoming the largest line item in a marketer’s budget.  It’s almost double all the other spends combined and website development is highest on the digital marketing list.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) enable websites to be a central port in the buyers journey.  Your site should provide the content buyers need to complete their journey. Websites are able to collect visitor information and provide an analysis of visitor behavior and interest. This data can help you personalize your content and assure the prospects that your company provides the solution they seek. Your site is a collection point of contact information that provides the fodder for marketing automation software which scores and nurtures your leads into hot prospects.